All posts by Luis Nascimento

Design and design award 2014

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Design and design award is an initiative from Marc Praquin. Everyday the homepage of is dedicated to two projects, one in graphic design and the other in product or packaging design. More than a virtual application, this is also a book published yearly with all the awarded project.

“I realised that it is much easier for us designers to create things than to make a name for ourselves. So I decided to offer our community a simple yet powerful tool, completely free of charge, to free us from the monopoly of mainstream media and, at long last, let us speak for ourselves. This is how the Design and Design project got started. Already a reference in more than 160 countries, this tool is now being extended to a non-virtual application: every year, all awarded projects are published in The Design and Design Book of the Year.”
Marc Praquin, Designer

I was reward both in 2014 for the best product design with “Blue Ink”, a shoes cabinet develop with David Rodrigues in December, 13th and for the best packaging design with “Natural” a salt and pepper shaker in December, 16th. These projects are in the Design and Design Book volume 7 which was release December, 14th, 2014.




Here, there, everywhere.

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Here, There, Everywhere is a book which was release May, 1st 2014. It features the work of Droog Lab over the past 4 years. With partners, consultants and designers, Droog Lab has explored many different locations worldwide in order to see how people live their lives there. Associated to the team, I had the opportunity to work on Droog al Arab, which is presented into that book.

topic: collaborative creation  I  location: Dubai

Many know Dubai has the tallest skyscrapers, the biggest malls, luxury cars, indoor skiing and fake coastlines. Driven by an ambition to be the best in the world, Dubai’s unprecedented growth has reached a ceiling. Promoting a life of excess in today’s financially and ecologically sensitive climate, can certainly make one unpopular. Inspired by Dubai’s level of ambition and ability to build new worlds, the Lab will explore a new model for future development, one characterized by social intelligence and collaborative creation.

An online hub for collaborative content creation and development has been envisioned by Jurgen Bey and Saskia van Drimmelen. On this platform, the leading designers can invite emerging designers, makers and other collaborators to contribute ideas and skills. The platform features a time bank—a place where time contributions are collected and traded, and a library—a place for supportive material that anyone can add to.
Proposals enter a catalogue that can be viewed by potential developers for realization. The platform brings together design, production and consumption, and can pop up anywhere in the world as an alternative pop up mall. Inspired by a closely knit family business model with new notions of hierarchy, this platform is about community thinking and its vast potential.

“A metaphor for Dubai’s future” – Mark Blaisse, Pilgrims

Director: Renny Ramakers, Droog
Local partner: Rami Farook, traffic
Leading designers: Jurgen Bey, Saskia van Drimmelen
Design team: Daphnée Lanternier, Emmeline de Mooij, Nadine Sterk
Local designers: Ahmad Angawi, Omran Al Owais
Consultants: Mark Blaisse, Stephan Propper, Peter Clercx
Lab: Agata Jaworska, content & project manager
Lab interns: Luís Nascimento, Daniela Dossi, Tom Merrell, Katrin Murbach, Libby Scarlett, Femke de Vries



Pencil for Blackcork

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BlackCork, Maison & Objet at Now ! Design à vivre

Blackcork is a Portuguese contemporary furniture brand. The essence of the brand is based on the transformation of a material: expanded black cork.
Sofalca, a company from Portugal, manufacturer of black cork expanded agglomerate since 1966, for thermic and acoustic insulation in construction and decoration in architecture, is now design editor: intended to sublimate the subject betting heavily on original and innovative design with the brand Blackcork.

The designer and art director Toni Grilo invited the talented new generation of Portuguese designers to develop the first collection of 2014.
My “Pencil” coffee table was part of this collection and presented during Maison & Objet at Now! Design à vivre from 24th-28th January 2014 with BlackCork.

Bienal de Jovens Criadores da CPLP

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My sweet design fair

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My Sweet Design Fair is the latest curatorial experiment from creative collective Hello Randomness whose goal is to create a space for a kind of design which is to arty to be commercial and too commercial to be art. It took place during the Dutch Design Week at Eindhoven, Netherlands from 19th to 27th of October 2013.

My project “Universal” a collection of cork bath plugs with different and original shapes was selected, to be part of the exhibition.



Conversas XXXIV

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Conversas is a series of weekly informal meetings made so that we can get to know and discuss projects and interests.
During the event three Conversadores (those who talk at Conversas) bring something to share with the gathered group, for thirty minutes each. As the title suggests itself, Conversas (Conversations in Portuguese) aim at an equal set up from which both the Conversadores and the group should be able to profit. Events are open to all and the entrance is free.

I was a guest speaker for the XXXIV edition in Lisbon, Portugal the 23rd of January 2013 and I decided to talk about the relevance of the designer in a company. A large part of the portuguese industry has a fragil business model, without the creation of corporate products, where Design has no place. The role of the designer should become more and more preponderant, even at strategic levels, where added value creation becomes fundamental for the success of our industry.

Boisbuchet cork competition

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Boisbuchet integrates innovative architecture and design into the splendid setting of a 19th century estate. They invest in a culture that respects the past and builds for the future, research into a sustainable relationship between the natural and the man-made and offer a creative environment for people of all cultures to share.

The international community of designers and architect was challenged to design new and innovative uses for cork products or improve the existing portfolio of corked/based product. It results in a workshop for a competition organized by Vitra Design Museum and Domaine de Boisbuchet in partnership with Corticeira Amorim, the portuguese world market leader in cork production at the Domaine de Boisbuchet in France September 2012.

I was in the short listed with 20 other competitors invited to a specialized workshop where I submit my project known as “Universal”. It’s a cork bath plug with different and original shapes.


Design à mão

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Design à mão is an online platform developed by Rita Botelho that works as a meeting point between Portuguese craftsmen and designers all over the world who want to work together. The main goals of this platform are to make the contact between craftsmen and designers easier, to join different generations and motivate the creation of opportunities to exchange different techniques and work approaches in innovative projects that revitalise Portuguese crafts.

Design à mão had a first exhibition developedand supported by the design gallery Show me, based in Braga, Portugal. The goal was to launch the online platform and  to initiate an object collection. I had the opportunity to present there “Bastidor”, a wall clock whose tools to make it are from the cross stitch.



Sardinha ao Sal

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The “Sardinha ao Sal” presentation took place at TemaHome gallery in Lisbon the 29th of May 2010. The project is a limited edition of 100 pieces exclusive for the gallery. It celebrates the arrival of the Sardines season and pays hommage to the recovered mould of a common sardine from the Bordallo Pinheiro Ceramics.



ExperimentaDesign 09

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Aside to the Experimentadesign Biennal, Timeless was a special event setting up at the Museu do Oriente in Lisbon, Portugal from September,9th to November, 8 2009. More than an exhibition, this event has been created by Frederico Duarte + Pedrita. Timeless focuses on a theme that is of paramount importance in today’s society, as well in our future as inhabitants of planet earth. Timeless dwells on raising the level of production explores the use of less resources. It invokes not only the analysis of the consumption of raw materials in productive processes, but also the reconsideration of the final product in terms of efficiency and performance.

Designers have the comptetence, the ability to rethink the way in which we are, presently, producing artefacts – wether tangible or intagible – intended for our needs, simultaneously proposing new methods, new solutions and new formats, therefore making our daily life easier and lowring the consumption of resources.

Cartão desCrédito is a project made by The Office (Luis Nascimento + David Rodrigues), that includes one website and equipment developed in cardboard aiming to propose a new way to rethink consumer society and design challenges.

