Who has never been in touch with falsified purses?
Either in a street market or in the corner of a big city, this phenomenon has been growing all over the world like some sort of economic virus and seems impossible to stop. Apparently innocent, it actually represents the top of the iceberg of global organized crime. Weapons, drugs, people, medicines, clothes are exchanged internationally as mere goods in transit.
When you buy a faked purse you’re in fact contributing to the growth of this phenomenon. Some experts think that ten percent of global commerce is illegal, and relate it with the quick development of chinese economy, way above the global economic scene. The illegal commerce is deeply ingrained in China and falsification is a common practice. Most falsified purses are made in China, manufactured by people often working in an almost slavery way in which human rights are far from being even mentioned.
How has this particular society become accomplice of this global situation?
Is there no conscience of the damage it is creating?
What’s the point of wanting a copy of a “million dollar purse” for the fake status it will make you feel?
This pouf is an ironic representation of this particular subject, due to its shape and size.